Wednesday, November 18, 2009

A better future?

My Dear Fidon...

Today I find myself constantly thinking of you at work. Hope that it's more or less the same on your side too. :)

Something has been bugging me in the head lately.

Everyday I see news of brutal crimes on the front page of newspapers. What is happening to this beloved nation of ours? Nowhere is safe anymore. These heartless criminals... Don't they have loved ones of their own?

I worry about my lover, my loved ones, her loved ones and the young ones.

The young ones... they never get to enjoy the kind of childhood I had. When my friends and I can ride our old bicycle with its colourful 'tayar mati' around the neighbourhood and the adjacent kampung without having to worry about being kidnapped or mugged or molested or raped.

Those were the days.

Days of being locked out of the house because our little 'roadtrip' keliling kampung got a little carried away and I failed to get home before the Maghrib prayer call. Days when I used to cycle to the shops to buy 'aiskrim potong' and never have to worry about some suspicious figure following me around and waiting to pounce at the first chance he got.

I doubt that parents these days grant their little ones as much freedom as I had when I was a nasty little bugger.

And then there is the most disgusting case of parents and siblings molesting and raping one of their own. I would personally choke the life out of these people if given the chance. What is happening to this beloved nation of mine?

Is it because of the sudden influx of foreigners into the nation? That's a really big issue these days.

But then again these cases that we see mostly involve of our own citizen. So what exactly is it that's driving these people to commit those unspeakable acts?

Is it due to the freedom of information that has been granted to us? Perhaps they should have defined what the term 'information' encompasses. Now that's a big 'Oops' right there.

Or is it due to the absence of religion in our hearts despite the fact that religion is getting more and more airtime as compared to before.

Whatever it is, I hope that we can find the correct mixture to solve this social, moral and religious crisis that we are facing. We need to act and we need to act now before this trend embeds itself into the fabric of our society.

My dear Fidon, will things change for the better in our future?

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