Sunday, April 29, 2012

My dear Fidon,

This has to be the lowest point of my life.
I am ashamed of my actions; of my failure to control my anger and actions.
I don't read minds and I don't take hints well.
You can say and think what you want but I truly did not know!
And to act as if nothing happened seems unnatural and hypocritical.
It feels so lonely right now.
Funny how you can be surrounded by so many and yet still feel so... alone.
What do I do?

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Two Oh One One

Dear Fidon,

So here is my resolution for the year 2011 (not in order):

  • Spend less time burning time in on the internet. If I'm going to plug myself into the worldwideweb, I might as well read up on something of worth.
  • Brush up on my guitar skills. I realize that my skills are getting rusty and it would be such a waste to lose them altogether. Time to do something about it with the help of Frank Gambale.
  • Build on my knowledge of networks, routing and the internet. I have recently been certified as an "Internet Specialist" and I intend to live up to this.
  • Bring myself closer to God.
  • Spend money more wisely. I'll learn to save and invest my savings wisely.
  • Be less mean to (certain) people.
  • Write more on this blog.
I think it is important that we set our goals up front but what is even more crucial is for us to endeavour to achieve them.

So if you have not set any goals yet for 2011, do give it some thought. It will make a great start to a year full of opportunities just waiting to be grabbed.

... and remember to reward yourself accordingly for your hard work! :)

Saturday, December 11, 2010

A pleasant surprise...

My dear Fidon,

I got an invitation for an interview session with a major Oil and Gas company.

Actually it was sometime back but I just got around to blog about it now.

The interview is yet to happen though.

In any case, it was really unexpected and I am really grateful that they actually want to get to know me better :)

I hope that I will be able to do well in the interview.

Please pray for my success.


Thursday, November 18, 2010

This is it!

My dear Fidon,

I shall be attempting something that I have never done before and I am not really sure how to go about doing it. One thing that I am sure of though, is that this will definitely happen and it will be a life-changing event.

I guess I'll just dive in head first and go with the flow.

So yeah.. this is it!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Thank you...

My dear Fidon,

It is always refreshing to know that the things you do mean something to someone out there.


It is an affirmation to the fact that your presence and absence actually do matter and this provides motivation to carry on.

So thank you for you have made my day...

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Blog again?

My Dear Fidon...

Today I read a blog that makes me want to blog again... :)

Monday, November 30, 2009

My dear Fidon...

I want to share with you a little poem I wrote.

My Angel O' My Angel
In times of trouble I asked for thee
In desperate moments I wished for thee
And now the world has turned
The moon has frozen and the sun has burnt
So why have not thee call upon me?

My Angel O' My Angel
In your wings I found my shelter
Come rainy days, drought or winter
And now the world has turned
The stream stopped flowing and the waterfall stopped falling
So why have not thee call upon me?

O' dear Angel
I would lift the world on one shoulder
With the sun and the moon rested on the other
And stop the tides of night and day
With all that there is to me, be it little as they may
If you so much as whisper it

O' dear Angel
I would gladly cut the earth open
And drink dry the whole ocean
And take air away from the wind
And water away from the stream
If you so much as whisper it

My Angel O' My Angel
Should your wings be clipped and you fall a thousand falls
I shall catch you a thousand times more
Should you lose your halo in deceit and vain
I shall be your guide till you find it again
Should you ever think that your miracle is lost
I shall show you that it is just as it was

If a fool I am then a fool I shall be
For a smile on my angel means so much to me
